hey everyone. this is my WC site. its not much, really... just a place to show myself? i don't know. hope you like my work :]
Published on December 29, 2006 By mahdimc In OS Customization
I have the alienware xenomorph skin and the scrollbar is the same, for some reason. In the preview, it's supposed to change to some 'glassy' scrollbar. Instead, it is the boxy (not win xp default) old classic scrollbar! HOW DO I FIX THIS? Someone please help!
on Dec 29, 2006
The trial version of WindowBlinds does not skin scrollbars.
on Dec 29, 2006
It fixed ONE scrollbar... The one where you go to my computer and single-click on the 'local drive' icon... it gives you the menu on the left... the scrollbar for that one is what the theme says it should be... but my IE scrollbar and the normal one are not fixed! What's the problem?
on Dec 29, 2006
Are you using the "trial" version of WindowBlinds?